Sunday, April 10, 2011

I can't do homework anymore. No brain.

So THIS weekend (i decided to do this by weekends cause it makes me do them) I STAYED in Barcelona (Well, Catalunya). The only other IES field trip I signed up for was this weekend, which stopped me from going to Berlin with my roommate, which was lame. BUT anyway, our field trip was to an area of Catalunya called La Garrotxa (that spelling took a WHILE), where there are VOLCANOS!

This = Volcano. I don't remember the name, though the guide did write it down on a little whiteboard for us.

The volcanos were not that exciting...well they weren't erupting, and our guides actually ended up getting us so lost we didn't REALLY make it to the top. I think. It was a little silly. But we got to go weed-whacking and I got a little bit of adventuring down which was NICE. I really can't wait to get back to NH and walk in the woods for hours and hours (yeah, I'm a city girl, can't you tell?).

ALSO, before we made our perilous hike up to the not top of the volcano, we visited this WICKED cool cooperative, that is first and foremost a social service (totally not the right phrase but hey, I'm tired) project, to give jobs to the mentally handicapped. They are the third best-selling yoghurt company in Catalunya (which is the only place they sell), and they have everything a company needs to make yoghurt in don't know what call it - facility? including cows and machinery.


The cool thing is they've taken out some part of the machinery just to create jobs for mentally handicapped people to do.
There are actually no unemployed people with mental disabilities in La Garrotxa. And the unemployment rate in Spain is something terrifying (I wanna say 21 but that sounds insane so I'm probably making it up - maybe it's 12 - or 3 or 1000 or 42), so that's REALLY good. Also, their yoghurt (KDubs are you reading?) is DELICIOUS. Like, the best I've ever had. Like greek yoghurt but without being so rich you can't really take it. I could go on. And on. Regarding yoghurt.

THEN I got back to Barcelona and guess what I did for the rest of my weekend. Go on. Guess.

My friend Holly. At the BEACH.

Yeah that's right. Unfortunately, sunscreen is SUPER expensive in pharmacies and all the other stores were closed today, so I tried to make it through the day with only the tiny tube of sunscreen I brought in my carry-on. It's a blotchy mess. Ah well. Worth it, I haven't been so relaxed the whole time I've been here. Though, I cannot wait until I'm on a beach where huge groups of Pakistani men don't walk around with coolers SCREAMING about how they have "colafantacervezaagua." I almost fell asleep SO many times, just to wake up to their dulcet tones. Ugh.

Anyway, hows the flood season going? :)

NO MORE FOR A WHILE. I'm going to be wander vaguely around Europe for a week and a half after finals for one of my schools, which are happening right now. AHHH. Then a post-craziness post(s?) and MAYBE a post-Sarah Kane, pre-returning one. You never know what I'll manage.

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